Our Lady Calls Marija and the Villagers of Medjugorje to Apparition Mountain at 3:00 PM January 1, 2024
January 1, 2024
A Friend of Medjugorje spoke with villagers in Medjugorje immediately after Medjugorje visionary, Marija’s apparition today. Following are details about Our Lady’s apparitions yesterday, December 31, 2023 and today, January 1, 2024 and the result of Our Lady’s unusual “call to the villagers and pilgrims to come to the mountain.”
Marija’s apparition on December 31, 2023, took place before a statue of Our Lady where Marija typically has her daily apparitions. The following is the description from contacts in Medjugorje:
December 31, 2023
Our Lady’s apparition was very long, longer than normal. At the end of the apparition, Our Lady asked Marija to go up to Podbrdo (Apparition Mountain) at 3:00 PM and pray for 3 hours before the apparition, for Our Lady’s intentions. Our Lady asked the villagers of Medjugorje to come to the mountain and pray as well.
January 1, 2024
The following is the description given by one of our contacts.
A Friend of Medjugorje: “Did many people from the village go up Apparition Mountain at 3:00 PM?”
Contact: “Oh, there were thousands on the mountain. Podbrdo was covered with people from the top to the bottom. They were there all day. Marija and Paolo (Marija’s husband) went up at 1:00 PM. There was a very heavy rain all day today. But, five minutes before the apparition, the rain stopped and people were able to put away their umbrellas.
The following is Marija’s description from the apparition on January 1, 2024.
Our Lady came very happy this evening. She prayed over all of us and for all our intentions. Then Our Lady said:
January 1, 2024
“Thank you for having responded to my call and praying for my intentions. You will not regret it, neither you, nor your children, and your children’s children.”
Our Lady prayed over us and for our intentions for a long time. Then She blessed us and left.
To Understand More About Today’s Message of January 1, 2024
From a Friend of Medjugorje:
It is a beautiful, wonderful thing that Our Lady says, “…Nothing is by chance…” (September 2, 2016) Our Lady was very happy because thousands came to answer Her call, despite the non-stop, heavy rain all day long.

Medjugorje, Apparition Hill, January 1, 2024. The whole of Apparition Hill, from top to bottom was covered with umbrellas. From a distance the hill looked like a mosaic. This is what Our Lady wants to make in our hearts. Our Lady said, November 25, 1989:
“…by means of the messages I wish to make a very beautiful mosaic in your heart so I may be able to present each one of you to God like the original image…”
There is no way, no coincidence, it was not by chance that the rain stopped five minutes before Our Lady appeared. Our Lady was so happy She stopped the rain. It brings one’s thoughts to Fatima where She also stopped the rain before She appeared.

It was October 13, 1917, a long rainy day. There were thousands gathered on “the hill” taking shelter under umbrellas while they waited in prayer for Our Lady. Just before the miracle of the sun, when the Rosary was finished, Lucia was heard to say, “Close your umbrellas. Our Lady is coming!”
In Fatima, the rain suddenly stopped when Our Lady appeared. The miracle of the sun happened, and while all were watching the sun dance, it dried everything instantly, even the mud. Though Fatima’s miracle was a great wonder, it shows how, even in Medjugorje today, we can believe Our Lady stopped the rain just five minutes before She appeared, after a dreary day, because “nothing is by chance.” You can take it to the bank that Our Lady stopped the rain for Her children and was very happy because prayer was going up to Heaven, while rain came down to the earth. It is a beautiful sign. Our Lady says to look at the signs. God gives signs to strengthen our faith.
December 26, 1982
“You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can…suspend the laws of nature.”
From Fatima to Today: A Special Time June 25, 2006 Medjugorje
“Dear children! With great joy in my heart I thank you for all the prayers that, in these days, you offered for my intentions. Know, little children, that you will not regret it, neither you nor your children…”
January 1, 2001
On January 1st, the first day of the New Year, during Marija’s regular apparition at 5:45 p.m., Our Lady made a special request of Marija. She asked Marija to go up to Apparition Hill that night for an apparition at 10:30 p.m. It has been a long time, even years since Our Lady has asked Marija to go up one of the mountains. Even more special, Our Lady asked this of Marija on the very first day of the new millennium in the New Year 2001. This signifies a certain importance. A call to the mountain on the first day of the new millennium, the second apparition in the same day, to give an important message, a message Our Lady signified She wanted heard by setting it up out of the context of the normal apparition time, asking Marija to come to a second apparition. Our Lady appeared to Marija at 10:30 p.m. Marija said that Our Lady came with five angels. During this special apparition, Our Lady gave the following very important message on January 1, 2001:
“My dear children, now that when satan is unchained, I desire you to be consecrated to My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus. I bless you with my Motherly blessing.”
I was in California at this time and was notified that something extraordinary had happened in a special apparition to Marija on Apparition Hill. I was told the message above. I called Marija and said to her, “The message that Our Lady gave you, did Our Lady really say “satan is unchained?” Marija said, “Yes.” I then said to Marija, “I thought satan was already unchained.” Marija said, “No, he was on a long chain. Now he has no chain.” I responded, “he has no chain? he is free?” I told Marija I was stunned and Marija said, “You have to consecrate yourself and your family.”
The above message of January 1, 2001 is clear in what you must do to protect yourself from satan. satan cannot take what is consecrated to Jesus and Our Lady. You should consecrate yourself daily.
How powerful is consecration? A wonderful apparition that Marija had in a small nation in Europe shows the depth and power of what a prepared for and serious consecration to Our Lady means.
Marija and I were talking about consecrations when I was with her in Medjugorje in 2006. Marija relayed the following story to me.
I [Marija] had been invited by a family for an apparition in which the family had prayed and prepared for months to consecrate themselves totally to Our Lady. They had prayed, sacrificed, fasted and confessed in order to be ready to consecrate themselves at the moment of Our Lady’s apparition, when Our Lady appeared [to Marija]. Our Lady appeared and they fulfilled their consecration, reciting it in Her presence. The grandparents had prepared their children and their grandchildren to give themselves to Our Lady. I [Marija] came out of the apparition shocked at what Our Lady told me during the apparition. Our Lady gave a message to the grandparents, their adult children and their children who had gathered to give their entire family to Our Lady. I was surprised at Our Lady’s response to the consecration. Our Lady said to them:
“You will never regret this consecration.
“Your children will never regret this consecration.
“Your children’s children, all your generations, will never regret this consecration.”
Marija was amazed at this and even months after was still animated with joy in explaining the apparition. She said to me that she immediately wanted to go home to her own family and do a consecration with them as well because it had made Our Lady so happy.
Today’s Message of January 1, 2024
With the message of January 1, 2024, you today are being given an opportunity that the saints longed for. St. Louis de Montfort told of this time over 300 years ago. He said “Our Lady would come in the latter days” and raise up apostles who would be purified as the “children” of Levi. They would spread across the earth on silver wings. He finished by saying how he waited and longed, oh, how he longed, to be a part of the coming glorious special time of grace we are now in.
Medjugorje is the Glorious Special Time
Our Lady said on August 25, 1993:
“…understand and accept my messages…Read Sacred Scripture…This is A SPECIAL TIME…”
You are offered something incomprehensible today and tomorrow. It all goes back to June 24, 1981 when the Woman began daily visits to the world!
Read Revelation 12:
“The Woman who gave birth to the male child and the dragon pursued Her.”
No one in a position of the Church will state clearly that we have arrived at what is stated in Scripture, at the SPECIAL TIME of the Woman of Revelation. I say it now. I said it ten years ago, I said it 36 years ago. I stake my life on this truth. The Woman has said in Her Medjugorje apparitions, “…This time is my time…” (January 25, 1997)

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