by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
As I forewarned last December, a Roman Pontiff who through a public, formal act of adhesion to a heretical profession (Fiducia supplicans) would dare appoint new members to the College of Cardinals, would put into canonical doubt the validity of his successors election (See here), due to the impeded state of the Apostolic see. — Now, with this announcement, this canonical doubt will come into force as of December 8, 2024, if Pope Francis goes through with his plan to appoint 21 new Cardinals, a number of whom will be of age capable to elect the next Roman Pontiff.
Just as it cannot be tolerated that a manifest, formal and pertinacious heretic hold claim to the Apostolic See, so it cannot be tolerated that he determine in any way the election of his successor, since by common sense, logic and natural right, it must be presumed that he is an enemy of Christ and a persecutor of the Church, and that all his acts are deformed by his heretical profession.
Therefore, if he does appoint new Cardinal Electors, the election of his successor by the College of Cardinals will NOT be valid, because it must be presumed to be doubtful, since it must be presumed that he has appointed men who are in agreement with him in his heretical profession.
I wrote about this on January 10, 2024, in my article, “The Apostolic See is now impeded by the Heretical Profession of Pope Francis“:
How the impeded state of the Apostolic See will effect the next papal election
The Church is now in a very precarious juridical state, because if Pope Francis without renouncing his heresy of Fiducia supplicans should alter or publish a new law for papal election, and/or appoint men who favor Fiducia supplicans as Cardinals, then the election of his successor will be juridically doubtful, since the man, who is pope, who has impeded the See, can no longer licltly exercise the authority of the See, if he refuses to repent publicly of his crime against the Catholic Church, Her Faith, and the rights of all the faithful to practice the authentic Catholic Faith. Nay, refusal to repent signifies that all his other acts are tainted with his heresy and schism, and thus can be lawfully and licitly rejected by the Faithful.
The 21 “new” Cardinals are nearly all heretics
If you doubt this, just look at the list of names to be nominated. They include at least one of the worse homo-heretics of modern times, Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (as EWTN reported here) who is a blasphemer and heretic, for asserting that the desire to commit sodomy is from God.
Then there is Archbishop Castillio Mattasoglio, who is a promoter of the heresy of liberation theology; Archbishop Vicente Bokalic Iglic, Bergoglio’s auxiliary from Buenas Aires, of the same Rampolla lineage; Archbishop Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi, who believes sodomy is compatible with Christianity; Bishop Pablo Virgilio Siongco David, who approved of ‘Fiducia supplicans’ and who is a graduate of the heretical Biblical Institute of Jerusalem, which does not believe the Books of the Bible were written by the Prophets or Evangelists or Apostles; Archbishop Jean-Paul Vesco, who approved of ‘Fiducia supplicans’; Archbishop Roberto Repole, who thinks the Church needs to reinvent herself; Archbishop Baldassare Reina, who has no problem with Rupnick art defiling the seminary at Rome; and Father Fabio Baggio, who is pushing the Kalergi Plan for Europe. This list is not exhaustive.
How I and all those who participated in the Sutri Initiative had hoped that the Sacred Hierarchy mobilize to remonstrate with Pope Francis in a Provincial Council. How we had hoped that he would show his penitence by removing his signature from the blasphemous document ‘Fiducia supplicans’. But he has not done anything in this regard. And the Sacred Hierarchy has not done anything in public to request him to do this. This confirms his pertinacious heretical mindset.
Thus, not only is the Apostolic See impeded, the ‘nomination’ of these new 21 Cardinals will be doubtfully valid; and thus any election by the College of Cardinals with their participation will produce a doubtful pope, who will be pope of no one, according to the addage, “papa dubius, papa nullius est”.
There seems to be little chance this year to avert the Crisis
This news, therefore, is the worst possible news of the year. The only solution, then, is that after Pope Francis’ death, the Faithful of Rome again convene in an Assembly of Apostolic Right and elect his successor, just as they did on January 30, 2023, when they gathered to elect Pope Benedict XVI’s successor.
At this point there are only 3 ways to avert the necessity of another such Assembly, namely: that God call Pope Francis from this life (and you can pray for that here), that he renounce the papacy (and you can pray for that here), or that he forgo appointing new Cardinals (you can write your favorite Catholic Cardinal and demand this).
As for each and everyone of those who knew of the Sutri Initiative but failed to speak of it, you now have become guilty of dividing the Church again and will share in the damnation merited by Pope Francis for this scandal, as there seems little time left to call a provincial council to avert this juridical catastrophe.
What is at stake here?
What is at stake is the very existence of the Catholic Church. This is because an antipope or a manifest heretic has no right to be the Pope, and the Church of Christ has the solemn duty to lead him to repentance by correcting him or declaring him outside of the Church. The Catholic Church exists only because Christ has founded Her and endowed Her with a principle of unity and fidelity, which is the Office of Peter. But because an antipope cannot hold this office, in the sight of God, an invalid or doubtful pope cannot ever be accepted by God as His Vicar on Earth. Thus, if the faithful follow such a man they will NOT be in communion with Jesus Christ. And thus, if a doubtful pope would become ‘universally accepted’ without a juridical correction, the Church would cease being the Bride of Jesus Christ. If the antipope is moreover a heretic, those faithful would become members of the Church of the AntiChrist.
Now that such dire events might presage the end of the world, we already know is the case since numerous saints have warned us that the Antichrist would set up his throne at Rome and attempt to seize the Papacy.
We need to use the means the Apostle Saint Peter gave us to save the Church!
But the glorious Saint Peter the Apostle gave the Church of Rome the means to avert such a catastrophe by granting the right to elect his successors to the entire Church, so that if any regularized canonical way of electing his successor ever come to be established, recourse to the original method might always be had in the case of near mass apostasy by the electors.
Thus, if Pope Francis the manifest, formal, pertinacious heretic who insists the Name of God be used to bless the worse sexual abominations names new Cardinals, the Church can in no way accept as valid any election performed by the College, since the Papal Law requires that a non-doubtful pope nominate the Electors.
Thus if after naming these 21, Pope Francis renounce or die, the only way to have a non-doubtful juridical election will be to have the Faithful of the Roman Church gather and elect a man eligible to be pope, that is a Catholic.
I cannot do much, but what I can do, I will do if you help me!
Personally, I had hoped that I would not have to remain nor return to Rome again, to help the Roman Church in such a crisis. I have sacrificed the last 5 years of my life for the Roman Church and have merited only derision, calumny, and libel on all sides. There is scarcely more than a few of my readers who has written an article on any other website, blog, radio or aired any video to defend the work I have done or my person from the tidal waves of attacks. And those who have done nothing or the least, are the most vicious in what they say about me for my service to Holy Mother Church.
But, nevertheless, what I can do, I pledge I will do again, if I but have your help!
But, I can maintain my ecclesiastical residence at Rome only if I return before October 24, 2024. However, AT PRESENT I DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS, since in the last 11 months the total donations I have received from my readers has not exceeded even one months expenses to stay at Rome.

So if you want me to return, so as to be on hand to avert this crisis, then support my appeal to reopen the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, with a sacrificial donation:
Otherwise, join the millions of Catholics who are kissing the Catholic Church good-bye and preparing to greet the Church of the Antichrist, with glee or tactful silent acceptance.
FromRome.Info will also have to expand its services due to the total Media Blackout by Controlled Opposition Sites
For that reason, I would ask you to consider making a generous donation to FromRome.Info, so that it can take whatever steps are necessary to get the message out to the entire Church of Rome and the entire Catholic World of the necessity of calling an Assembly of Apostolic Rite to ensure the juridical valid election of a Catholic Pope to succeed Pope Francis.
As you may know, no other site informed you of the first Assembly or gave you accurate information about it: neither in Europe or elsewhere — excepting the excellent blog of Father Walter Covens. Also, no news outlet in Italy, newspapers, radio or TV reported it, except one channel which charged me thousans of euros for a brief advertisement. This time around, to avoid the catastrophe of having no candidates present themselves, much more preparatory work will be necessary. And that will require greater resources and effort at FromRome.Info.
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