by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
In August of 2004, I had the grace to make a pilgrimage to La Salette, France, and I resolved there to do what I can to promote the life of prayer among Catholics. I subsequently compiled a collection of prayers, which I entitled: My Life with Mary, which is published by Save Old St. Mary’s, Inc., in the USA, but which I offer here in PDF format in English, Italian, French and Arabic. — This is a great little booklet to keep on your cellphone or computer, so that wherever you are and have a moment you can find a prayer to help you pray.

ENGLISH: PDF — This is the original
ITALIANO: PDF — Questo file è di alta qualità per portare dal tipografo per stampare in grandi quantità
FRENCH: PDF — This translation prepared with the assistance of a native speaker.
ARABIC: PDF — This translation prepared by a native speaker from Egypt, who is a Catholic Copt.